Thursday, March 8, 2012


My friend made a post on Facebook about wishing to hide people's comments about meals/food and God. It just settled weird with me. I hate feeling oppositional and often I try to be sensitive to other people's feelings and beliefs. But then when I do that, it makes me feel off. Like I can't be myself.

This morning I just thought about this: I follow a God who became man to reach out to us and give us hope for unity, peace, love, and understanding. He was murdered for his teachings and opposition to worshipping tradition, religion, and ritual. His followers were tortured and murdered for refusing to worship the Emperor [Nero]. Those who profess their love for Christ are still be executed to this day all over the world.

So all "WWJD" bracelets aside, who am I willing to be for my God? Passionate pursuit of the cross ends in death to self but brings abundant, full, purposeful life. I feel like I'm transforming from the inside out. It's been a slow process but the closer I draw to God, the easier it is to recognize things that are not of God. All I know is that life will be an adventure and not as status quo if I'm willing to let go.

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