Thursday, January 12, 2012

21st Century Romance

After several failed attempts at love relationships, I am left wondering, "Does romance still exist?" I've noticed that guys tend to treat women like.....guys. Heavy sarcasm, putting down, or being a buddy. Everything seems to get rushed and then you are left a little dazed and uncharmed. the sweet text messages, office emails, and fb message posts are the new love letters of the 21st century.

Before I had a cell phone, I met my first real boyfriend at church during a youth group properly named the "Dating Game" to set up a series on love relationships during the month of February. I was the bachelorette and I got to choose from 3 mystery bachelors. After a week of waiting anxiously, we went on our first group date. The conversation flowed and it seemed like no one else existed. That night he walked me to my car and we made a date for the following week. We exchanged HOME phone numbers. We had breakfast REALLY early one morning and then that evening he came to see my school musical, Bye Bye Birdie which I had a minor lead role in (singing duet too!) and brought flowers. A few days after that, he asked me to go to prom with him and be his girlfriend. And I remember all of this because I recorded it very diligently in my diary. It was all very romantic. I'll never forget the first time we held hands, it was incredibly electric!

While I will probably never speak to this person again, it's hard to forget these little touching moments. The excitement, the mystery of getting to know someone without a lot or any physical touch is almost unbearable! But this, I am convinced, is where the magic happens.

without that long waiting period, you stop longing. you get comfortable. you don't do special dinners or dates but "i'm bored" dates and "i don't want to cook" dinners. those aren't dates. it shouldn't be a lot of pressure to romance a girl, i think it should come natural when you like someone!

I'm not writing this to rant but to shed light on something. Romance has its benefits. A truly, enjoyable, loving, exciting, and mysterious relationship throughout your life. The courting shouldn't stop once a couple becomes engaged or married. I'd love for me and the person I love to passionately pursue each other until the day we die. Life is incredibly tiring and can be hard. Why not have an adventure with the love of your life?

I don't want to get married and have children, that's not my life goal. I do want to fall
madly in love and share my life and future. I want to love someone so much that I can't wait for us to have children together. I've met just a few guys that have given me a glimpse into what that kind of life could look like and it gives me hope that this kind of love is possible. the "i'll put my cell phone down, move out of my parent's house, stare at you for hours, stop playing video games, dress up" kind of love. lol that would be nice. there's nothing sexier to me than a real man who loves Jesus, can fix something around the house, care for others, help clean the dishes, and move furniture. A true gentleman. i think that is what makes the difference between the ones you date and the ones you mate! there's a special connection, a romance that only the Creator can orchestrate....

yes, I've been reading a book about this kind of stuff. sorry. its good!

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